Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Lib Dems build for the Olympics!

Liberal Democrat MP, Sandra Gidley, has labelled school sports days as an humiliation of those less able at sports.

Iain Dale is reporting the story that is in the Daily Echo.

It’s all well and good saying school sports days humiliate and put kids off of sport for life. But it’s also the way we find those who excel at sports.

She said: "I would ask that we try to get away from competitive sport in schools and think about increasing exercise and activity.

"Personal improvement initiatives are much more positive and inspiring for children than those in which their performance is compared with that of others."

This is ridiculous. If the competitive nature of sport is taken out of schools, how are we ever going to find our top sportspersons. Saying they should be replaced with “personal improvement initiatives” like “skipping, dance and games” is not going to help.

This is hardly a supportive gesture to make when the Olympics are 6 years away and we need to find and bring through the system are best sportspersons if we our to avoid total humiliation as a country in London 2012.

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