Sunday, June 24, 2007

BBC3 Glasto broadcast live?

Watching BBC3's coverage of Glastonbury at the moment, it's got in the corner BBC3 Live. Yet they are showing the Killer's who performed on Saturday night (it's currently Sunday). The fact it's dark on the show and light at the moment is a big give away, even if you didn't know the night of the performance. Glastonbury is in the GMT timezone after all!

Harman has it...

Harriet Harman has won the Labour Deputy Leadership race, beating Alan Johnson by 50.4% to 49.6%.

The Deputy Leader doesn't make a big difference to the Government as it is a party role, but Harman's election victory will alow the Labour Party to present a man and a women when it comes to campaigning. Something that may help to gain those vital women's votes.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Why there can be no Lab - Lib pact

There’s a very simple reason why Gordon Brown’s so called “Government of all the talents” can’t have any members of the Liberal Democrats in it. Ming Campbell would not get a job. It would be a bit embarrassing for the Liberal Democrats if their MPs and Lords were offered jobs in roles more senior to their own leader. Tells the whole story about Ming as leader really.

So even had Lord Ashdown of wanted the Northern Ireland job, he couldn’t take it as it would undermine Ming.

The whole affair is a big mess. Brown now has to face the fact the Lib Dems have rejected his offer. (A sign for after the next General Election?) Whilst Ming has provided more ammunition to those who want him out. Would a Nick Clegg lead Lib Dems have given a different response? They certainly wouldn’t have had the same problem of what to do with their struggling leader.

Update: Have just started reading Dizzy's blog. He makes a very good point about Brown's offering of jobs. "The fact he's offering jobs out to so many people, and, being turned down, makes me wonder whether he is choosing people he knows will say no. He can then at least claim that he tried right?"

Quite clever if Dizzy's theory is correct.

Monday, June 04, 2007

£500'000 for this...

Money well wasted I feel.

Update: It also seems that for the animated version on electronic displays, no one thought about the epileptic consequences.