Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What do Tony Blair and Abu Hamza have in common?

The answer is the adopting a defence of being unable to receive a fair trial due to the negative influence the media is presenting.

According to the Telegraph and reported on both Iain Dale’s and Guido’s blogs is the suggestion that Downing Street is hiring lawyers to run the Abu Hamza defence.

Well Abu Hamza is in jail so I can’t see it being the strongest defence in the world.

It's ironice really, the once so useful media to the Blair spin machine, is now being accused of prejudging the trial. (We don't even know there will be one yet. Or does Blair know something we don't?)

What makes the scenario even more amusing is the Government accusing the Police of being the ones doing all the leaking which is feeding the media. Perhaps if the Government didn’t have such a bad reputation for leaking and spinning we might believe them. But as they don’t…

The fact it’s got to this stage clearly shows the Government is expecting a prosecution.

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