Saturday, September 02, 2006

Now come on North Korea...

Let’s get one thing straight from the beginning, I’m no fan of the current US administration and their foreign policy.

However North Korea’s accusation that the US has “threatened war” by testing a missile defence system (read it here) is somewhat hypocritical coming from a nation that has been regularly testing its own missiles for some time.

The statement released by North Korea's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland saying the missile test "was aimed at attacking us and intercepting our missiles," says to me only one thing. That North Korea has an intention to launch their missiles at the US and its allies. If it didn’t they wouldn’t be concerned with the US testing a defence system. In fact, it is accusations like this that back the US case for needing such systems.

Come on North Korea, what were you hoping, that the US would just let you carry on testing your own missiles and not do anything themselves. That would be like expecting Chelsea to stop buying all the good footballers because other teams don’t have their spending power!

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