Friday, September 01, 2006

Hoon slides in behind Brown

Using the information provided in Iain Dale’s blog on Geoff Hoon’s interview with GMTV on Sunday (read it here), Hoon has evidently decided now is the time to jump ship and pledge his support to Brown to take over when Blair steps down.

There may be two reasons for Geoff Hoon’s statement that Brown is “clearly ahead of any others who might consider standing” and his choice to back Brown.

The first being that Hoon’s demotion from Defence Secretary to Minister for Europe in the May 2006 reshuffle must have left him feeling very bitter towards the PM and therefore having no reason to keep his commitment to the PM and any candidate from the Blairite camp. (Who Blair is sure to hold a great deal of influence with).

The second being that Brown looks almost certain to become the next leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister. Therefore if Hoon is to have any chance of being promoted, his allegiance needs to be in the right place.

I would not be surprised if a number of other Ministers do the same thing between now and when Blair steps down. After all it looks likely to be Brown who will be deciding the level they hold in Government and the size of their wage packets!

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