Sunday, March 04, 2007

Why would you vote for Ming?

This question has just been asked on the Politics Show, why would you vote for Ming Campbell?

It’s a very good question, why would you?

The Lib Dem’s do have a couple of very good policies, politically reducing income tax in favour of green taxes is a very good idea.

However in a day when image means as much as policies Sir Campbell is a long way behind Cameron and even Gordon Brown. I just can’t picture Ming as a Prime Minister. I don’t think had he been in the Labour or Conservative Party, he would ever have got to Leadership level. He was a very good Foreign Affairs Speaker, but as a leader he just doesn’t cut it.

I do think he will still be the leader of the Lib Dems for the next election, which will be a mistake. The reason I can’t see him going before then is because of the level of respect he has from his fellow Lib Dem MPs. Unfortunately though, respect doesn’t gain you votes.

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