Time to finally sort the House of Lords?
House of Lords reform, which has been a controversial and difficult reform process for the Government is to go before the House of Commons for a free vote.
MPs will get to vote on the percentage of Lords that are elected to the House of Lords. The minimum being 10% and the maximum 100%
Now I’m not in favour of an elected House of Lords of any proportion. The issue I have is over when to hold the elections. If they are held on the same day as a General Election, people are likely to vote the same way for the Commons and the Lords, so the Lords would just become a rubber stamp for Government legislation. On the other hand, if elections took place mid way through a Parliament, the Lords is likely to reflect the Opposition as Governments are most unpopular midterm. Resulting in a stale mate over legislation.
Hence the reason I still think the Lords should continue to be appointed. It seems to be doing the job alright to my. I do agree with getting rid of Hereditary Peers though.
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