Jump Up and Down!
The Government has provided us with the answer to tackling anti social behaviour. Jump up and down. I’m serious, that was confirmed as one thing you could do to distract criminals, whilst waiting for the police to arrive.
Anybody think that will actually help? Nope, didn’t think so. To be fair to Home Office Minister, Tony McNulty, he suggested distracting people and it was Jeremy Vine (the interviewer) who suggested by jumping up and down. But even so, it appears quite clear from the interview that Mr McNulty has no idea what you should do if you see a crime happening in the street.
Here’s the text from BBC One’s Panorama,
Jeremy Vine: You see something happening in the street. Do you step in?
Tony McNulty: I think the general line must be to get in touch with the authorities straight and make sure that if things are as bad as you paint the police will be there as quickly as they can.
Jeremy: You see a young man looking aggressive, shouting at an old woman, what do you do? You retreat and ring the police?
Tony McNulty: I think you should in the first instance. It may well be the simply shouting at them, blowing your horn or whatever else deters them and they go away.
Jeremy: He's now hitting her and the police haven't come, what do you do then?
Tony McNulty: The same the same, you must always ...
Jeremy: Still wait?
Tony McNulty: Get back to the police, try some distractive activities whatever else.
Jeremy: What jump up and down?
Tony McNulty: But I would say you know sometimes that that may well work.
Clearly a sign the Government has run out of ideas. Bring in the next lot.
The programme is being shown Monday 5th Feb at 8:30 on BBC 1.
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