Sunday, May 20, 2007

Same old New Labour

A lot has been said about the lack of an idea of what Gordon Brown’s Labour Government would be like. Well on Friday a clear sign was given and it would appear not a lot is going to change.

Part of Brown’s leadership bid launch was “open” politics and restoring the trust of the electorate in politicians. Yet within the same week Brown has refused to support a bid to block a move by MPs not to be bound by Freedom of Information laws.

Brown could quite easily of used this to show he is committed to his open politics agenda. Unfortunately he has chosen not to do so, instead a spokesman in his defence said the chancellor has promised not to dictate to MPs.

Let’s wait and see how long it is after he is officially installed as PM before he starts dictating to MPs. If he’s not going to dictate, surely that means all votes will be free votes?

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