Politics Forum Quiz
It's a little long but very detailed and breaks down your personal stance into 6 categories. You can even see graphs showing how others have answered.
The quiz can be found here.
My results are below.
Overall, the PoliticsForum quiz considers you a socially-orientated, materialist, small-government, free-trade, non-absolutist, kind of person, who doesn't sound like a Marxist.
These characteristics would put you in the overall category of libertarian. Your natural home at PoliticsForum would be the Liberalism area.
Individual vs Social
"The individualist believes that society works best through a focus on individual rights, freedoms, actions and responsibilities. The social thinker believes that the ideal state should focus more upon collective action and take a social approach to rights and responsibilities."

You scored 69 out of 100 on a scale of Individual vs Social. This means that politically you are more likely to value the need for group actions and group benefit over individual enterprise and benefit.
* 79% of test takers were more individual than you.
* 19% of test takers were more social than you.
Theist vs Materialist
"The materialist believes that all objective criteria to influence politics can be reasonably derived without recourse to the divine or the spiritual. The theist believes that spiritual beliefs are important and should influence government policy."
You scored 61 out of 100 on a scale of Theist vs Materialist. This means that politically you are more likely to believe that religion and spirituality are superstitions that should not inform political debate.
* 48% of test takers were more theist than you.
* 50% of test takers were more materialist than you.
Big Government vs Small Government
"The big government advocate believes that governments should be responsible for regulating a wide array of social practices, even what might be considered personal decisions such as abortion, euthanasia, children's education and births. A small government advocate thinks that, wherever possible, these issues should be up to individuals or companies to direct."
You scored 65 out of 100 on a scale of Big Government vs Small Government. This means that politically you are more likely to believe that government should keep out of legislating social policies, leaving such decisions to individuals.
* 66% of test takers were more big government than you.
* 32% of test takers were more small government than you.
Nationalist vs Internationalist
"The nationalist believes in the sovereign rule of nation states, particularly his or her own. The internationalist believes that there should be more important international fora and perhaps, ultimately, international government."
You scored 51 out of 100 on a scale of Nationalist vs Internationalist. This means that politically you are neither more nor less likely to favour international bodies over national ones.
* 31% of test takers were more nationalist than you.
* 68% of test takers were more internationalist than you.
Protectionist vs Free Trader
"The protectionist believes in barriers against free trade most probably due to a belief that this is in his or her country's interests. The free trader rejects such notions, believing that the system ultimately suffers when tariffs, subsidies and other obstacles to free trade persist."
You scored 65 out of 100 on a scale of Protectionist vs Free Trader. This means that politically you are more likely to favour free trade over protectionist policies.
* 67% of test takers were more protectionist than you.
* 32% of test takers were more pro free trade than you.
Absolutist vs Non-Absolutist
"The absolutist believes that either a divine presence or scientific laws provide absolute truths about the world, which can and should be applied in practise. The non-absolutist may be either a relativist, or simply someone who is more pragmatic."
You scored 74 out of 100 on a scale of Absolutist vs Non Absolutist. This means that politically you are less likely to believe that there is an absolute truth that may guide your ideological beliefs.
* 95% of test takers were more absolutist than you.
* 4% of test takers were more non-absolutist than you.
Controlled Market vs Liberal Market
"Both of these categories assume a capitalist system. Assuming this system, the controlled market believer holds that government should intervene in regulating a nation's economy: wage laws, environmental standards, privatised industries and workplace relations policy. A liberal market thinker believes that such regulation is unnecessary and often counter-productive."
You scored 59 out of 100 on a scale of Controlled Market vs Liberal Market. This means that politically you are neither more nor less likely to believe that there is need for government regulation of industry.
* 80% of test takers were more controlled market thinkers than you.
* 19% of test takers were more liberal market thinkers than you.
Marxist vs Non-Marxist
"This scale purports to show to what extent you follow the thought and teachings of Marx. Marxists tend to be scientific, materialist and revolutionary, believe in class struggle and the laws of historical and dialectic materialism."
You scored 73 out of 100 on a scale of Marxist vs Non-Marxist. This means that politically you are less likely to follow the philosophies of Marx.
* 95% of test takers were more Marxist than you.
* 4% of test takers were more non-Marxist than you.
George Bush
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