This is a copy of a letter sent to Bath's local paper The Chronicle.
It's from a Tory Councillor. I find the letter which suggests single mothers bring up kids who commit mayhem and even murder and “Thump a Thug” unbelievable to be publicly stated from an elected official.
It's good to know that David Cameron intends to come on strong with the criminal elements but I'm not sure that his 'Hug a Hoodie' and 'Love a Lout' will do much to win support from those vulnerable citizens who have fallen victim to out-of-control teenagers.Community service is a soft option and simply doesn't work and ASBOs are seen as badges of honour by thugs and are an expensive waste of time and resources.
We have the worst record in Europe for teenage crime and if politicians like David Cameron don't take the proverbial bull by the horns and really start to get tough with Britain's growing army of feral thugs the country will descend into total mayhem in a very short space of time.
My own ward - Lambridge - is beset with problems related to anti-social behaviour and intimidation resulting from the nefarious activities of feckless youths and not all of them from the local area.
Larkhall Square has now lost its public bench, dedictated to the memory of Jack Love, because yobs saw fit to destroy it. Why? What exactly was achieved by this act of mindless vandalism? Each time I suggest ways of reining in these thugs, I am castigated by the soft-option brigade and accused of being a martinet, or worse.
Sorry, but I come out on the side of respect, good manners and adherence to the law and wholly intolerant of what our society has become. If an undisciplined bunch of louts can find nothing better to do than destroy property and frighten the wits out of decent, law-abiding people, then clearly something needs to be done.
Soft options and kid-gloves have had no effect whatsoever and Britain is now over-run with vicious young thugs hell-bent on terrorising all and sundry and it has to stop - now.
If so many of these kids are into fast cars, go-peds and other souped-up motor vehicles, then let David Cameron instigate a scheme whereby their energies, if and when they are apprehended and hauled before the courts, are channelled into useful community work, like restoring vandalised cars, or helping to rebuild damaged walls, fences and bus shelters.
This kind of enforced activity would give them a sense of purpose and personal pride.
These kids aren't born bad, but frequently lack parental discipline in the form of a father figure, look to slovenly and oikish football 'stars' as role models, view an almost total lack of police presence on our streets as a 'go' sign to create mayhem - and sometimes murder - and end up as aimles drifters with drink and drug problems.
I can tell you now that I am tired of kow-towing to the do-gooders and refuse to yield to hoodies and other louts and know that so many others agree with me. But, what to do? Unless ordinary members of the public can actually win support from politicians, we might as well sell up and emigrate. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Forget the latest 'Hug a Hoodie' and 'Love a Lout' themes, isn't it time to 'Thump a Thug', 'Belt a Burglar' and 'Lob a Yob'? Soft on crime, soft on the causes of crime - you bet!
Quarry Rock Gardens
Claverton Down