Sunday, September 23, 2007
Why do Councils make being rediculed so easy?
In the South West we have Bath and North East Somerset which is a unitary authority and soon Wiltshite Councty Council will become a unitary authority.
Now the acronym for Bath is BANES and Wilshire County Council has just decided to drop the County part when it becomes a UA, given it the acronym WC.
So we've got the pains and the toilets for Councils.
Posted by
12:40 pm
Election on the way
Gordon Brown is "just getting on with the job." Ministers are staying on message and refusing to talk about it. No one will rule out an election. The prep work has all been done.
General Election shortly it is then.
Posted by
12:14 pm
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Clouding the issue
Ming Campbell, leader of the Liberal Democrats has called for a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union instead of a referendum on the new EU treaty.
He argues,
"If there is to be a referendum it shouldn't be restricted to a comparatively minor treaty. It must be a decision about the EU as a whole”.
What complete nonsense. For starters the treaty Campbell refers to can hardly be described as minor. Minor would be legislation being passed by Europe, which is already under their remit. A new treaty involves a further loss of British sovereignty to Europe.
By holding a referendum on British membership you immediately limit the option for those who believe being in Europe from an economic viewpoint is a good thing. Those people would have to vote yes to allow that to continue, even if they believed further powers for Europe from a political stance is a bad thing.
There have been calls for a referendum on this treaty due to the further political powers it gives to Europe, not because of Britain’s membership of the EU. Therefore the only way a true opinion of the British people’s views on Europe’s increase in political power can be gained, is to hold a referendum solely on this treaty.
Posted by
3:35 pm
Saturday, September 08, 2007
O the irony!!
Tom Watson, one of the MPs behind the failed coup of Tony Blair when he was Prime Minister has been given a job by Gordon Brown in the whips office, which is responsible for ensuring Labour MPs toe the party line.
It seems Gordon Brown does have a sense of humour!
Posted by
7:34 pm
Sunday, September 02, 2007
2007 General Election
A number of rumours have been flying around recently regarding Gordon Brown making an announcement on Tuesday for a General Election. These rumours have been denied today by Douglas Alexander, Labour’s election coordinator.
Alexander has ruled out an election announcement in the next 6 days, but refused to rule out a General Election taking place in 2007.
This could of course be a continuation of the ‘wind up the Tories’ policy Labour is currently undertaking but I wouldn’t be surprised if a General Election is called within the next fortnight.
Watch this space as they say.....
Posted by
1:48 pm