Wednesday, August 08, 2007

How many fireman does it take to rescue a duck?

Apparently the answer is three fire engines and a rescue boat. This is deemed to not be a waste of resources as there were "no more important calls at the time" a spokeswoman said. Had a more important call come in the fireman would have left the scene.

One of the fire engines made a 35 mile journey to attend the scene, so had a call come in, it would potentially be 35 miles away. It's all a matter of priorities the spokeswoman added. It appears ducks are very high up that priority list, judging by the amount of resources attributed to it.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Ming Campbell "over promoted"

Linda Jack, a Lib Dem party policy committee member has got it spot on when she says Ming Campbell has been “over promoted”. Ming was a good Foreign Affairs spokesman, probably one of the best in the Commons, but that hasn’t transferred when he became leader.

What’s interesting is Vince Cable’s response.

“Vincent Cable rejected the criticism and said the party was not in a "dissimilar" position to the position it had been in recent years.”

Well then clearly the party hasn’t moved forward in that time and Charles Kennedy the leader during that period is no longer the leader. It doesn’t really say much for Ming and his future.